Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Trees Sentencing

Just heard from Meirion Jones (top man BBC Producer and Reporter!) that following their guilty verdicts Samuel and Joan Tree will be sentenced on September 25th.

I hope the Judge will take into account the fact that Samuel Tree was responsible for originally introducing the Quadro Tracker into the U.K. Initially he and Malcolm Roe cooperated with Gary Bolton to produce a new version (identical) called The Mole.

When Bolton, Tree and Roe fell out Bolton re-invented the scam with the GT200. Meanwhile James McCormick spent some time helping Bolton to market Mole. They also fell out and McCormcik went on to the ADE651.

Tree went on to work on the Alpha 6 with Simon Sherrard. How he was found Not Guilty still amazes me, especially in the light of the guilty verdicts of the Trees.

So, to repeat my previous comment, Samuel Tree is at the root of all the UK variants of the fraud, and deserves a heavy sentence for that reason, even if he managed to sell fewer units than Bolton or McCormick.


Anonymous said...

Any word on the sentence?

Peter said...

Not yet. Still waiting to hear. Will post as soon as we find out.