Sunday, 26 January 2014


More from Rob Booth at The Guardian concerning British Government support for Gary Bolton and his Mole and GT200 fake detectors. (Well done Rob!)

Amazing that they are still so defensive. Or perhaps not. After all, the whole scandal must be very embarrassing for officials probably still working in Whitehall who allowed this to happen.

Let's hope the efforts of Rob in tenaciously following up this story help to hit the idiots who were involved right where it hurts! And that the further coverage helps the campaigners in Mexico to end the use of the GT200 and ADE651.

Of course, we have recent reports that the ADE651 is still in use in Iraq, and possibly Kenya. The more media coverage of these scandals the sooner we hope they will be brought to an end.

Don't miss the second part of the story. Look for the link to the right of the article.

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