Anyone who knows this blog will know that it has been silent for a while. BUT, scams have a habit of coming back around to bite us. Like conjurors, conmen have a playbook from which they like to resurrect old tricks from time to time.
So, like the fake detector scam, up I pop again.
Some of you may remember the fraud flare up in Egypt when some fool tried to pass our fave dodgy device off as an Aids detector.
Well, it came to our attention recently that some clown in Iran re-invented our old friend, the swivelling nonsense stick, to detect...YES! YOU GUESSED IT! COVID 19.
Now, we hope this stupid idea has died a quicker death than COVID 19 victims! Otherwise, like it's predecessor gadgets in explosive detector form, it will cost lives, hence why I have returned.
On a slightly lighter note, there was something funny about this story. Apart from the funny peculiar nature of these frauds being recycled in such a blatant way. Just the day before the story broke, my old friend and fellow campaigner Techowiz was joking that if Jim McCormick of ADE651 fame were still in the dodgy detector game he would certainly have released a COVID 19 detector card for his dubious device. And lo, the next day, did his wise prediction come to pass in a way. So, it wasn't our old friend Jimbo this time. Just some other crooked sh1t at the money trough. Oh, I did note that it is another fine General involved. We have met quite a few Generals on this journey. There are of course many fine and distinguished Generals, but our have been a right shower of doo doo Generally.
OOOOOHHHHHH. I just noticed our General this time is called Salami! :-) Well, it's too easy isn't it! He really should be thinly sliced :-)
By way Jim, if you read this hello from your old friends! Hope life treating you lovely and your spell in the nick was not too tough on you! Well, ok, if we are honest we hope it was hell! And do give our love to your lovely lady P. Bet she is so delighted to have your hot bod back in her bed :-) All best buddy! We haven't forgotten you! I still owe you a kick up the arse. Techowiz never lets me forget that, and will never forgive me if I fail to deliver before your demise, so watch yer back chap! :-)
Oh, to Bolton et al. There's always a warm welcome arse kicking available for you guys too! Just say when! Or shall we make it a surprise? Ummmm, I wonder.
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